Monday, October 29, 2007

This year's Halloween photos..Never did get a photo of Dave and his shower costume, but here's the rest of us before heading out on the Edmonton Queen riverboat was a good time. V, StrongBad, and Britney Spears...

Friday, October 26, 2007

Forgot to post this one from Disneyland..Happy Halloween weekend, everyone..hope you're all going to some Friday/Saturday parties, getting dressed up and having fun! And doing it all over again on Wednesday!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I don't really want to move my vacation photos farther down the page by posting that nothing much is going on right now.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Some more pictures from the trip.

I wish I was there again already.

Saturday, October 06, 2007

It's Saturday, in October, and I saw the ocean this morning.

I also saw a big freakin' garage sale/fleamarket thing, that I can only describe as part Super Flea Market, part Dollar Store, part garage ale, and part Tijuana, Mexico, all on a college parking lot in Orange County. It wa so big I actually got burnt out on looking at crap about 1/2 way through and had to give up. Crazy.

Not from the actual show (no cameras allowed at the House of Blues) but very similar to the view I had from RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE STAGE!! Yes, I was that close..I could have untied Flansburgh's shoes, and it is very disconcerting when Linnel makes eye contact with you and holds it.

That was so freakin' awesome I can hardly describe it. What a band, what a show. Funny as hell, too.

And I'll be able to tell Holly later in life that they even played "Alphabet of Nations" from "Here Come the ABC's", one of her favourite DVD's. If only it was "Go Go Go, Go for G!"

I want to buy Holly so much freakin' cute crap from Disneyland, it is unbelievable.

Friday, October 05, 2007

I woke up this morning and said to myself, "Self, it is October. You are in California." Later on, I said te same thing, but substitute "Disneyland".

Camera phones rule. I will bring the real camera next time, as I wanted to travel light to the park today.

Haunted Mansion Holiday is awesome with a capital "A". Sorry J., I think the vampires were left out, but when I go on 5 more times, I will quintuple check.

They Might Be Giants in a few hours!!

OK, no post from Calgary's flight left Edmonton a good 45 minutes later than it wa supposed to, so by the time I got my bag and cleared customs, I was waiting in a hallway instead of a lounge, as there was some issue with letting us into the departure lounge until an arriving flight (late of course) was cleared out of the area. By the time we got in, I didn't bother starting the laptop..I might as well have, as OUR flight was then delayed by about an hour.

Arrived in LA, just missed my shuttle to the hotel, and had to wait another 45 minutes for it to arrive. Finally, 12:40AM local time (my head feels like Edmonton time of 1:47AM), I am here and trying to wind down.

Celebrity sighting of the day (and I hadn't even left Edmonton yet...)..Walter Gretzky was being rushed to his flight while I waited for mine.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

All right, found a free wireless network at the airport. The one called Free WiFi didn't work, the Airport-Sponsored one would have cost ten bucks to use for the day, but I found this one for free. It was a pretty weak signal, so I wandered around and found a stronger spot. Cool.

So yeah, at the airport. My departure is 15 minutes late, leaving at 4:45PM now. Probably about 30-40 minutes now before boarding the plane.

I had a weird idea for a movie script as I was waking up this morning. You know those half-formed ideas that come to you either in dreams, or just befor falling asleep or waking up, that seem to be perfectly sensible at the time, then if you are lucky enough to remember them later, you're lucky if they make any sense at all, or you wonder "Why did I think that was such a good idea??" I'll try to write some sense into this one, and see if it lives up to the dreamy potential I thought it had.

Maybe I'll find another free network in Calgary..if I do, talk to ya's later.

Just a few short hours till I take off..will try to post from Anaheim!


Wednesday, October 03, 2007

So, this is the set list that They might Be Giants played last night...My comments after certain titles...

* The Cap'm
* New York City (YES!)
* Ana Ng (YES!)
* Upside Down Frown
* Take Out The Trash
* She's An Angel (YES!)
* Upside Down Frown
* It's Not My Birthday
* Meet James Ensor(YES!)
* Memo To Human Resources
* I'm Impressed
* Damn Good Times
* Phone Calls From The Dead (Vincent Price)
* Older(YES!)
* James K. Polk(YES!)
* Birdhouse In Your Soul(YES!)
* The Guitar(YES!)
* Mammal

With Velcro Horns:

* Mr. Me(YES!)
* With The Dark
* Withered Hope
* Museum of Idiots
* Ant
* Istanbul (Not Constantinople) (YES!)


* Maybe I Know (John & John only)
* Fingertips(YES!)
* The Mesopotamians

Second Encore:

* Mr. Tambourine Man
* Doctor Worm I hate this song

If this is the set list when I see them, I'll be happy. There aren't many songs of their I actually dislike, and glad only one of them is on the list. SOme of them, I'm "meh" about, but there's a good selection of my favourites. Would really love to have "Cyclops Rock" on the list.

Should be a great show!