bacon & eggers
Had the A&W coupon special today on the way to work..bacon & eggers (no cheese, 2 for $3). They were way better than I was expecting. The last time I had them, they were OK, but nothing spectacular. The bacon wasn't so good, and the egg was very..eggy. The bun also left something to be desired. I suppose if I liked cheese it might add something to the experience, but hey, I don't choose to hate cheddar (and most cheeses, other than mozza and swiss).
I usually opt for McD's bacon & egg bagel, no cheese and no sauce. The receipt comes back to me saying NO BRKFST SCE or some such thing. Breakfast sauce..I'm sorry, breakfast does not require sauce. Syrup, perhaps. No sauce. I like the texture of the toasted bagel, there's usually lots of bacon, the egg tastes pretty good (probaboy becue it's loaded with extra grease. They manage to gte my order right about 75 percent of the time (down to 50 percent if Allie is with me, and we order hers with no sauce, but with cheese. This is too much for their McMinds to deal with, apparently.)
Anyways, todays b&e'ers were good..really good. I will consider trying them again sometime, sans coupon if need be. Until they screw it up somehow. Always happens.
Photoshop contest
OK, I'm having way too much fun doing this by myself, it's time to get you guys involved.
Inspired by Fark's Photoshop contests, I will post a picture, and I will Photoshop it. Perhaps I will Photoshop it more than once. Then, feel free, any of you, to 'shop the original as well. Amuse me! Or I release the hounds!! (Both of them!!)
My family at a party..
My family at a big game..
Head swap!
Rushed..I'm not proud of it..go on, do your worst!
ahhhh....I thought I got banned for the celebrity zombies, offending some acceptable use policy..guess not. Got a 404 error when I tried to read the blog..back now.
blog seems to be gone..testing..
can you read me? Can I read me?
open house- feh!
Not a person showed up..guess the weather is too nice, and poeple have better things to do.
Oh well, the first offer still stands, we countered, they countered back, and we'll accept. Pending all that other crap, of course.
Celebrity Zombie
By request..Jennifer Lopez.
The house seems very quiet tonight..not only is my lovely wife working in the Hat (coming home late Monday), but in order to make house showings easier, we boarded 4 of the 9 cats at local cat kennel.
The darters, counter-climbers and pissers are out of our hair, for a day, and man it's quiet. I miss their cuddles and personalities, but I don't miss wondering when & where the next puddle-o-piss will be.
first showing, first offer
How about that? They actually bother to show up, and they like it. Well, they offered pretty low, but we'll counter. We know how low we'll go (don't we all? heh heh), and there's a clause that says, even if we settle on a price, if someone else makes a better offer, or is more prepared to buy (not dependent on selling their current home, etc), that they have to remove all the conditions (ie come up with the money) within 48 hours. If they don't, then we can accept the better offer.
So, we have an offer on the Hat house, subject to the sale of ours..there's an offer on ours, subject to the sale of hers..something tells me this will get more complicated as it gets closer to possesion date(s).
grr part 2
As far as I can tell, yesterday's people didn't show, either. Either that or the realtor ran out of business cards.
Todays showing is by our own realtor, responding to a potetntial buyer that spotted the virtual tour of the place. I guess those things work.
We live in a pretty nice little subdivison, but gradually, all our good neighbours have left, and we either never see our neighbours, or they're..well..jerks.
One of the last houses to be built in this cul de sac ended up home to a Harley owner, so we get to hear incredibly loud engines rumble at all least the biker and his buddy just drove off, and hopefully won't be back while our house is being shown. It would have been just grand if our relator and the buyer turned onto our street, to see these two bikers roar out at 60 km/h (in a very short cul de sac, sensible speed being around 20 km/h).
That, and the white trash family that moved in two doors down from them. From them, we have seen-
-their two dogs mostly neglected, tied up in the front yard, with the occasional escape and visit by the SPCA and city bylaw enforcement. Haven't seen the dogs for awhile..hope they're alright.
-their attention starved cat hanging around, not that I mind visiting with anyone's cat, but we're close to a busy road..keep your cat inside, pay attention to it, and for God's sake, clean its ears.
-19 year old poser boy, complete with ball cap and truck, blasting his stereo and speeding into his parking spot
- and now, the hammock. Poser boy has put up a hammock across his front step. Today, he has his guitar out there, playing the same white-trash, Bear FM tunes he blasts from his truck.
As I was downstairs vaccuuming in preparation for the house showing, I hear poorly-played electric guitar..Led Zeppelin, Metallica, Ozzy/Black Sabbath and of course, Eric Clapton's "Cocaine" (leave it to white suburb city boys to idolize that tune). I peek out and see the hammock. Then the bikers come out, and I think to myself, "What's next, as the realtor pulls up, an IV drug user in mid-shoot up will probably spill out of the house, screaming at his HIV positive partner, and carload of gangbangers will drive by, open fire with handguns, and Osama Bin Laden will probably peek out the attic window of the house across the street, wondering what all the commotion is about.
But alas, the bikers roared off, and I realize I haven't heard "Best of the Worst Tunes From My High School Years But For Some Reason, Albertans Still Think They're Cool" for about 10 minutes..please, no shootings in the next 1/2 hour..not until the showing is over...
here we go again
Had another house showing booked yesterday..subsequently cancelled.
But two more have been is probably over by now, and another one tomorrow. C'mon baby, sell!
Can you believe this? They cancelled. They saw another house before ours, and want to put an offer on it, and skip seeing ours altogether. Still awaiting that first showing...
Mukey left all sorts of treasures on my PC
So, for those who don't know, Mukey is in the habit of making Puppet Mikes. I brought Puppet Mike to T.O. to visit tbit and marmy, and he was passed on to the Count for a Halifax/New York adventure. I forget where that particular Mike is now, but I'm assured he'll be back someday.
For now, Mukey has created many new Puppet Mike's, one of which has recently been to Medicine Hat, but I forgot to transfer the pics before sending the camera back to the Hat with my wife as she starts work.
Anyways, I found Mukey's picture of his army of Puppet seen here.
I cannot leave well enough alone. I scarred myself with every poorly done cut and paste.
I hope it does the same for you.

Okay, Mukey..found these on my computer as I was looking for doggy photos for the previous post. I was there when you took this one, but can you explain this?
*fingers crossed*
Another showing of the house tonight. Well, the first one, actually. The other first one, two nights ago, never showed up. After I ever-so-politely took the dogs over to my mother-in-law's house, and stayed out of the house for 3 hours (5 til 8PM, and they were supposed to view between 5:30 and 6:30 PM). I came home, and no tell-tale sign of a visit, the Realtor Business Card.
My realtor got ahold of them later, and was told "Oh, we drove by, but the clients decided they didn't want to see inside after all". Snobs. They could have at least called to say "Oh, by the way, he can bring the dogs back."
So, here we go aagain, with an assurance from the realtor that they are coming for sure. Alas, I can't remove the dogs, I'll be out for dinner with the family (my niece's birthday) so Molly goes in the kennel, and Buzz will be loose in the laundry room. I don't think either one would bite someone, but with strangers, you never know.
They will however, see things like
this ,this , and this .
We have an offer on a house in Medicine Hat, and getting it depends on a quick sale of ours in Edmonton, or else someone else more prepared to buy could snap it up. Wish us luck...
Celebrity Zombie
The Hon J.W. (Grant) MacEwan.
Version 1
Version 2
I did these for Mukey's souvenir staff newsletter, bidding him adieu when he moved to Winnipeg. I'll eventually post the whole thing.
I'll try to do the occasional Celebrity Zombie from here on in. Suggestions appreciated.
Our house is for sale.
Yes, in preparation for the move to the Hat (Medicine Hat, Alberta, for those not in the know), we have listed our house for sale. Have a look around.
Puppet Mike is on the shelf, but alas, I didn't know the photographer would be set up on the other side of the room, so he doesn't show up. Damn.
I shall refer to our impending move as Preparation "H". Bwa. Ha. Ha.
Soon, I will get to work.
But for now..I love this one. Right after I saw it, I looked around, but damned if I could find it.
Commercials + silliness + violence = good times!
Although, the version I saw had the first guy whining "What are you doing? Stop!!", instead of just looking confused and saying "Cliff?"
Stop That Bandwagon!!
You guys didn't think I'd allow myself to be the only one without one of these, did you?
Actually, I had one once, a long time ago. I posted once, about something inconsequential, then I lost interest. I started thinking about it again recently, and with an upcoming move to another city, and possible unemployment bliss, maybe it's time to begin again.
So, Mukey..isn't Winnipeg close to Minneapolis?