Did someone declare this "Photoshop the baby" day, and nobody told me?
Courtesy Tamara...
Holly is a week and a day old today, and doing fine. I can't believe it has gone by so fast, and that I have to go back to work tomorrow. 5 days isn't enough.
Allie and Holly have been at home since about 1 PM on Tuesday. We've been getting used to the little girl, her feeding needs and her sleeping habits.
She is awesome. I know I'll pay for this later, but at this point, she barely cries, she sleeps a lot (though don't worry, anyone, she is perfectly healthy in this) and she is eating well.
I didn't think I would be the kind of dad that gushed over every little thing, and I may just save that stuff for a new blog, but yes, I am gushing at every little thing, from her facial expressions, to her cries, and especially her blue eyes, and the fact that when I hold her, she looks at me. She can really see me. It is so amazing.
I also seem to have a magic touch in the carrying her around, rocking and swaying, when she is really crying up a storm. I hope that lasts! I feel so good when I'm carrying her around and her crying subsides, and she settles in, either going to sleep, or calming down and just staring at me.
Today, she'll be getting her first bath at home.
I knew this would be special, but I am at a complete loss for words to describe how it feels to have this.
I also have to say how much in love I am with Allie, how proud I am of her, at how she went through the pregnancy, the labour, and the delivery. She is awesome. Now I have two strong, beautiful, wonderful girls at home.
Godmother Chrissy cuttin' the cord.
Yep, she's ours.
OK, who is in more trouble here..you or me?
Yeah, I guess we'll keep her.
Mom & baby, doing fine.
Chrissy and baby, also doing fine.
Bath time..not quite so fine.
End result of the bath, pretty cute.
Posting from a crappy public access internet station from the hospital lobby, I am thrilled to announce that this fine Easter Sunday morning, at 8:30 AM, Holly Ruby Joy O'Keefe entered the world at 7 lbs, 8 oz, and mother and baby (and dad) are all doing great.
E-mail and pics to follow...
Heavy contractions all day today, worsening during Easter Dinner at my mom's, so in to the hospital we went. As I write this, I am at home feeding the pets, because it could be a long night. She is in labour, the doctor said she could labour at home, or stay at the hospital, and to get things moving, if she stayed, they'd probably break her water. She enthusiastically said to go for it. So, not sure if that will be in a matter of minutes or hours, but things are rolling. Looks like an Easter baby after all...will post as soon as I can.
Follow this link, and tell me you don't want to crack each and every one of the subjects of these photographs betwixt the eyes with a claw hammer as much I do.
The progression-
Nov 27/05- Starting to show.
Jan 7/06- A little more...
Jan 15/06- Just a week later...really noticeable.
Feb 11/06- Stepping out.
Apr 2/06- Clementine loves the belly.
So do the others...must be warm!
Apr 7/06- Get this thing out of me. Now.
Apr 8/06-Look at that basketball!
Nothing yet. In fact, the utter lack of activity on the contraction front has our hopes up that this is the calm before the storm, maybe? *sigh* OK, I admit it, we're getting impatient. I left work yesterday in a flurry of "Am I stressed? Do I look stressed? I finally feel stressed.."
Felt horrible last night. I'll spare you the gory details, I'll just call it a headache and really upset stomach and leave it at that, and no better this morning, so didn't go in to work. Should be fine tomorrow. All the better for getting the update on what's happening with my job. Closing date was Monday. I hope no one else applied, but that's not anything can control, so I'm prepared to go through the whole interview process.
Time to go poke Allie's belly again and say "Hurry up,Holly!"
More contractions, and another "watch" at around 4 AM Sunday morning, but again, they subsided, though each bout does get more intense. So, no baby yet, and I'll be back to work Monday morning, jumping at every ring of the phone, wondering which one will be the summons to get my ass home and get the wife to the hospital.
It's going to be soon..and if I'm still blogging that phrase a week from now, Allison will be going CRAZY by then.
*sigh*...the contractions eased yesterday evening..she is still having them, but not as frequently, not increasing in intensity, and no breaking of water. Back on "Labour Watch" as opposed to "Labour Warning". Our version of the Emergency Broadcast System, I guess. "Had this been an actual labour...."
Hopefully it is soon..she is so uncomfortable, and dammit, we're ready!
I don't know..this could be it. I took the afternoon off from work at Allie's request, as she had been having contractions all morning. By the time I got home, she had been timing them for an hour or so, and they were at the most, 7 minutes apart, and as frequent as to 2-3 minutes apart. When I got home, they were starting to increase in strength, but they have eased a bit the last few hours. They're still there, still frequent, but not getting stronger. For now.
I left work with a big stupid grin on my face, thinking to myself "holy shit...hol shit..holy shit..."
It really could be this weekend...or today...
For TBIT...BloodRayne heads straight to Edmonton's Cheap theatres...of course, thanks to him, now I have to go see this cheesefest.
At V for Vendetta, there was a trailer for a movie the world doesn't need, The Fast and The Furious: Tokyo Drift. The notable thing about the trailer was the star of the movie. I'm thinking, who is this guy? He seems so familiar, and then it hits me when I hear some Southern accent...
It's the little kid from Sling Blade..all growed up.
Shouldn't a former child star his age be dead or in jail, or beating up transvestite hookers with Danny Bonaduce by now?
Unrelated to anything at all, and found on Fark:
A bunny with a pancake on its head.
Doctor appointment for Allie yesterday..now we go weekly. Results from yesterday..she is 2 cm dilated, the baby is fully engaged (so soon? I didn't even know she was dating! The dad is always the last to know these things...)..and she's at +2 stage, I guess that means she's well into the birth canal.
While seeing V For Vendetta last night, the baby was so active, we were wondering if we were going to be leaving the movie and heading for the hospital. Again, when we got home, we figured we weren't going to be getting much sleep..the baby was coming tongiht for sure.
No such luck, but it can't be long now.
And now, to gross you all out, comments from the doctor...
"If you have any leaking, go to the hospital"
"If you have any bloody mucous, go to the hospital"
"If you expel the mucous plug, do not go to the hospital. Do not keep it, do not put it in a plastic baggie with your name on it, and don't bring it to the hospital. Nobody wants it."
"For reasons I can't explain, women's water rarely breaks in public, like in the canned goods section at Safeway"
Can't get enough of those mucous plugs.
My job is posted. Time to apply. Looking at my resume, I'd hire me. In fact, as the one holding the position right now, I think I should be on the interview committee.
Her: Good night. See ya when I see ya.
Me: Going to bed?
Her: Yeah..I'm too bitchy.
Me: No, you're just bitchy enough.
Why do I do this to myself? I shouldn't say words.
Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, that technology being a laptop and a wireless network card, I bring you my first-ever blog post while sitting on the can.
Not really, but I could be.
That should have been my April 1 post. Oh well, who said I had good timing.
'scuse me while I wipe.
Working a rare Saturday today..and again next week. It isn't so bad, only 11-4, and only twice. Arbitrarium Dave, who has been working Saturdays all year, is off to Japan for just over two weeks, and not coming back to the Saturday gig after his holiday. We get to go technical-staff-free on Easter weekend, and the one after Easter wil be covered by my co-worker Jaiye. That will bring us to the end of the Winter term at the old College, and we'll be closed Saturdays until September, when we'll have to try and hire someone for that one-day-per-week shift.
Foggy and chilly in Edmonton this morning. Tomorrow will be my houswork day, to do all he stuff I've been neglecting these last few weekends, as well as the stuff that got ignored during and after the emergency visit of this past week.
The dogs are still being really good. They don't take as much reminding as I thought they would. We still have to be consistent and fairly stern with them, but it is surprising when they do something right without being told. Good dogs. Arf.
Speaking of the winter term, my term position at the college will end one month after that, but I hope it will be a seamless transisition into full-time. The job was supposed to be posted this past Wednesday, but it did not appear on the College website. Nor did it appear Thursday or Friday. I'm not concerned, they have to post it so I can apply for it, and I am confident they want me to fill it. I just want to get it over with as soon as possible. Baby Holly needs extended health benefits.
Geez, in less than a month, I will have TWO dependants to put on that health care plan. Still freaks me out when I put it like that. Daddy. Me. Yeek.