Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Select stream-of-consciousness things I remember thinking during Underworld-Evolution:
I love Bill Nighy's voice, especially as Viktor.
Cool, more vampire-on-werewolf ripping and tearing action..less guns.
Vampires need to drink blood? I don't remember that from the first one.
That idiot is in this one, too? Didn't he die?
Yay! He died!
Cool, rock'em sock'em monsters!
I'm sure if he looked around the place, he's have found a paintbrush or a roller.
That's absurd! That's preposterous!
Hey, it's Winston from Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels..where's the ganja? Win-STON!
Hmm...plot/logic holes.
Not a bad movie..like the first one, just enough wrong with it to keep me from loving it, but enough to like it. I hate it when movies "miss it by THAT much..."

OK, by popular demand, Zombiethon (or as I like to call it, MegaZombieMovieMadness) will be in February..not this first Saturday in February, but perhaps the (checking calendar) 11th or 18th.

Any of you sicko's prefer one of these over the other?

Monday, January 30, 2006

Everybody, be happy! Tomorrow is National Gorilla Suit Day!

Saturday, January 28, 2006

(yesterday) Happy Birthday to Me, Happy Birthday to me..etc..etc...

Yes, it makes it easy to remember my anniversary when it is the day before my birthday...and I will be in an infinite times more trouble than the average husband if I actually manage to forget someday...

Yesterday was low key. Spent Thursday anniversary night in a hotel jacuzzi theme room with Allie, as our last anny as a couple. Had Friday off from work to accomodate this (I have the best boss ever..I mean it!). Spent the rest of Friday picking up the dogs from the mom-in-law's house, (where they spent the night) and house-cleaning for the Saturday night family birthday party. Today, more cleaning, and grocery shopping for the par-tay.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Happy Anniversary to us! Four years..seems like it has flown by, yet seems like a lifetime ago, so much has changed.

I love you, Allison!

Monday, January 23, 2006

Spotted on Jasper Avenue on Friday night (thanks to Dave for snapping the pic).  I had thought it was creative rearrangement of the letters, but upon noticing the colors (what could "cat pee" be an anagram for?), it looks "on purpose". I also hear that there are some Australian wines with crazy names coming out.Still makes me chuckle, though.
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I wish I had a photo of a few years ago, when someone rearranged the letters in Grant MacEwan Community College to say "cat meat gang".

Friday, January 20, 2006

Well..if you do a web search for Dr. Tongue, you find not only John Candy's SCTV character, after whom my cat was named, but also a jawless zombie from Day of the Dead, and a real, honest to goodness Dr. John Tongue.

I would have changed my name if I was trying to get people to take me seriously, and they kept calling me Dr. Tongue.

God, I miss that cat. I'll try to get his photos up this weekend.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Responding to the MEME I received from Them's Fightin' Words: I give you...
Five Weird Things About Me: (in no particular order of weirdness)

1) I added "Dr. Tongue" to the Wikipedia section for SCTV, when my cat of the same name was ill. The article mentioned Monster Chiller Horror Theatre, but neglected Dr. Tongue. I will add more.

2) In my CD collection, I still own, and for some reason have not thrown away, "Tom Cochrane's Mad Mad World", Sheryl Crow's "Tuesday Night Music Club", and MC Hammer's "Please Hammer, Don't Hurt'em". I plan to rectify this situation.

3) I have spoken on the phone to Bad News Allen, gotten voice-mail from Jim "The Anvil" Neidhart, and received a fax from the Ultimate Warrior.

4) I panic at the sight of spiders, alive or dead. Remind me to add a blog post about the spidery craft cabinet when we packed up the Medicine Hat house.

5) I love masks of all kinds. Always have. I am currently obsessed with trying to make an Adam West-style Batman mask, just because it is the most recognizable, and also the hardest to do properly.

Eric is right, it is tough to narrow it down to just five things. That's because I'm not weird, I'm perfectly normal. Everyone else is strange.

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

You'll never guess what today is the aniversary of. No, I mean it, you will never guess. Never.

January 18, 2006, is the 38th Anniversary of the first broadcast of the Siamese Human Knot episode of Batman!
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There is a webpage devoted to the Siamese Human Knot.

This is right up there with the Women being carried website I mentioned a few months ago.

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

There will be many more pictures of the Doctor coming in the next few days, as I clean my scanner and get them done.

On happier notes...

I passed my Athabasca Psych 290 course..I only had to extend it twice because of my laziness and all the turmoil of the summer. I should have about an 80-85 percent, much more than I deserve for the effor I put into it.

Eric MEME'd me for 5 things about me that are weird. I will be doing that soon too.

Molly is doing fine, stitches are out, leg is healing. Buzz is still wee todd ted. (say it out loud..walk around work saying "I AM WEE TODD TED!!" if that doesn't work.)

I miss Doc terribly, but no, I am not getting an orange kitten anytime soon.

My mom is back from two weeks in California. She shook Jay Leno's hand at a Tonight Show taping, and met George Lopez and got her picture taken with him on the show's kitchen set. He claims the photo will go on the set's fridge. I'm so glad she had such an awesome time.

Monday, January 16, 2006

It breaks my heart to say it.  Dr. Tongue didn't make it through his illness.
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Goodbye, old buddy.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Quickie post before things get busy here. Since moving back to Edmonton, I have now been offered interviews for two jobs in Medicine Hat that I had applied for, at the Esplanade theatre and now, at the local TV station, possibly willing to train me in master control. Where were you a year ago, you sons-a.....

Dr. Tongue's geriatric blood test was fine. Next step, an x-ray to see if he has an obstruction or possibly even a tumour. I'm concerned..not sure how much we'll put him through if it is something serious.

It hurts to think of putting him down.

Sunday, January 08, 2006

I am up far too early for a Sunday morning.

Yesterday..got Molly's drain out of her wound..she's doing fine. Must wear the cone for another week or so until the stitches come out. Buzz is also fine, no ill effects from his bitten face.

Doctor Tongue went into the vet as well..he's been under the weather, but overall not bad, so they did a geriatric blood screen on him to look for obous problems, we should find out Monday or Tuesday what it shows, if anything. Trying new food for him too, to ump start his appetite with an appealing, yet mild food. Maybe what we've been giving him is too rich for his old system. Need to ut some weight back on the old guy..he weighed in at 8.2 lbs yesterday..not as light as his sick weight last summer of 7.6 lbs, but a far cry from his humungous days of 18+ lbs. I'd be happy to see him at over 9 lbs now, myself. Hey, he's 16 and a half, he's entitled to wiegh whatever he wants, as long as he's healthy.

Saw Mirrormask last night, the movie by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean, most famous for their work on DC's The Sandman.

Dave McKean painted a movie. He really did. It was a unique movie experience for me. It was so...visual, that is the only word for it. The story itself was second to the visuals, and while that is usually bad, in a special effects laden movie, here, it worked. Every shot in the dreamworld was like a McKean painting. The story was just a fairytale to give an excuse for seeing what we're seeing.

There was something missing, however, but not from the movie. We all agreed it was just inherently wrong to be seeing a Gaiman/McKean-made movie without Mike present. That'll teach you to move to Winnipeg. I'm not exactly sure how our missing him will teach him that, but this is my blog, I can say whatever I want. Bleah.

We did miss the opportunity to bring Puppet Mike out to a movie, though. I even have new, 3-D, Puppet Mike, Artist Edition, that could have made the trip. Ah, next time.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

I was so excited to see The Hilarious House of Frightenstein finally back on the air in re-runs on Drive-In on the satellite. This show, more than almost any other, I think, except the 60's Spiderman cartoon, really transports me back to my childhood...it is so strange watching it now, and remembering the gorilla coming out of the trees, the hippie Superman, the mosquito, Griselda, the fortune teller, the professor..the list goes on and on. This motivates me to get set up so I can capture directly to DVD.

The only catch is, the crazy 70's psychedelic dance sequences are cut out, at least for now, due to rights and clearances. Same reason some of the classic Mystery Science Theatre episodes will never hit DVD. I'd be happy if they just cleared one tune and ran the same song on each episode, just to see the bluescreen sillouhette of Igor (with the big "I" on his chest..like you can't tell it's him...). Apparently, they're working on some song clearances.

Crazy..I loved that show.

"The castle lights are growing dim
There's no one left, but me...and him...
When next we meet in Frankenstone,
Don't...come alone."

Allie bought these. They're lychee nuts in syrup.
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Molly, AKA Sputnik, Satellite Dish, Conehead, and my favourite, Lampshade.
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For Dave P. I have updated the link to reflect your current blog. I will proceed to futiley check for updates on that one instead. :p

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

In a fitting wind-up to the holiday season, we had to take Molly to the emergency vet on Monday night. She and Buzz got into a scrap over a chunk of rawhide chew-bone as we were dismantling the Christmas tree. All of a sudden, all hell broke loose, with gnashing teeth, barking and screaming.

It's hard to break up two dogs that are intent on shredding each other with their fangs. Allie and I both sustained minor bites, not much more than skin nicks, really.

Buzz appeared to have gotten the worst of it, slightly fitting as it was his retarded ass that started it, with some wounds around his eye socket where Molly had clamped on and wouldn't let go. Molly was limping afterwards, and we figured it was a pulled muscle from my wrestling her down to the ground. Several hours later, Molly's mood was really down, and Allison noticed that she had a gaping wound, right down to muscle, on one of her upper front legs..we totally missed it.

So, off to the emergency vet for sedation and stitches. If she was a hurting unit after the fight, she was moreso after getting home from the vet. She whimpered and whined all night, limping worse than before the surgery, with the stitches and a newly installed drain in the wound..oh yeah, and the lampshade on her head.

She'll be oing to our regular vet in a few days to get the drain out, then again later for the stitches. We can do without this kind of adventure, thanks very much.

Stupid dogs.

Monday, January 02, 2006

Had a nice quiet New Year's Eve. During the day, we popped by a cousin;s place, where they unloaded a ton of their baby stuff on us..man, there isn't much we'll have to buy now!

No need to go out for the evening, as people came to us, lured in by the irresistable combination of big-screen movies and chicken wings via our brand new deep fryer (Why? Because I need to eat MORE FATTY FOODS, yeah!!) Damn good chicken wings, though...I made a kickin' honey-garlic glaze for them, inspired by Duff's Famous Wings in Toronto. A darn good representation of them, if I do say so myself.

So, we watched Sideways and Shaun of the Dead..had wings and pizza..I drank a whole bottle of Pinot Grigiot myself (and had a migraine the next morning to show for it..I'm such an amateur these days)..oh, and had one of those pies you make with chocolate pudding and Cool Whip in a graham cracker crust..mmmmmmm.

Our guests all took off before the stroke of Midnight..we stayed up until 2006 began, then went to bed in joyful anticipation of my impending headache to come in the AM.

New Year's Day, was very lazy and headachey...went to relatives' for supper.

Today, my last day off, we did a little shopping for IKEA goodies. Napped some more. Resolved to eat light for the rest of the week, and try to reset our systems after this week of over-indulging.

And now, back to real-life.....I have a mountain of frozen dog turds to go collect in the back yard.