Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Allie's home from the hospital..bad bad muscle spasms. We thought she couldn't have muscle relaxants, but I guess she can. If we'd have known THAT we would have had her taking them a long time ago, and this might not have happened. Yeesh.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Here's some distractions for you.

Read about Lewis, the crazed cat.

And, the stupidest goddamn fight scene I have ever seen. I have seen anyone this uncharismatic and ridiculous on the screen on the same time. Wel, since I stopped renting ridiculous, low-rent martial arts movies 20-odd years ago or so.

Nothing new to report. Allie is doing well, baby Holly is just fine. At 35 weeks (plus a few days), Allie's uterus is the size it should be, but little Miss Holly is a tad larger than normal..7.2 lbs and growing, basically, where she would be at 37 weeks! We're going to have a big baby. I was saying, Allie is being medicated to the best of their ability to keep er comfortable, as the pain in her back/side (not the pain in her backside,,that would be me) is still not too fun to deal with. She'll be in at least overnight tonight, maybe another night if they think they can do anything or want to observe for a bit longer.

It sucks being at home alone..not able to do anything here, not able to do anything there except sit in a bloody uncomfortable chair and tell her I love her. I hate seeing her in pain and not being able to do anything about it.

The important thing is everyone is OK (even me). This part of the 9 month ordeal will be over soon, and end result will be here before we know it.

Thanks to everyone for thoughts, comments and wishes..much appreciated. :)

OK, for those I haven't called, let me preface this by saying everything is OK. We spent three-plus hours in emergency last night, with Allie having unbearable pain in her back, more on the right-hand, upper side. They kept her overnight to do an ultrasound in the morning (which is now done) but we don't know anything yet.

We feared it might be labour starting, or a kidney stone...we know it isn't #1, the doc doesn't think it's #2, but the ultrasound should help determine that. Maybe just a bad pulled muscle that's spasming? Will keep you posted.

I am tired. Spending 2:00AM-5:30AM in emerg and coming to work at 7:45 AM does not a happy boy make.

Monday, March 27, 2006

A bunch of thoughts...

Well, my bet is in. With our due date of April 27 approaching, I have gone on the record and said that I believe we will have an Easter baby. Holly will be two weeks early. One friend of Allie's has said that she will be a week earlier than that. Another said she will go to her due date, or beyond.

Allison is not speaking to that friend until she takes it back.

What else is going on? My job is being posted this week. Yes, my term position is almost over, and they must go through all the proper channels to (hopefully) put me in there as full-time continuing. I am pretty confident, but still taking the resume process very seriously. I can't give them any reason to not want to hire me on permanently.

I'm glad I took the courses I simple as a few Word courses, a Frontrunners management seminar and an A+ certification review sound, they look good as recent professional development on the resume.

Finally saw The Corpse Bride. A few chuckles, but overall, I was disappointed.

I think in addition to my "Movies Seen This Year" sidebar, I will add a section for movies rented or seen on PPV, movie channels or whatever. Or maybe just the ones I get from Zip. We'll see.

There is almost nothing occurring at this years Wrestlemania (Wrestlemania 22, to be exact) that makes me want to see it, even for free. How bad does it have to be to make ME turn away?

We are going to have houseguests in a couple of months. My niece and her husband will be giving up their apartment in an effort to save a few bucks between the end of their current lease and their departure to Japan for a year or two. As Holly's godparents, they also want to spend a good amount of time with the little girl before they go away. We'll be happy to have them..not only do we love them, and are thrilled to be able to help them out, but we can put them to work as babysitters, housecleaners, dog walkers, poop-picker-uppers (for the dogs? only I know for sure sure) and whatever else we can come up with for them. Insert evil laugh here.

Seriously though, we are looking forward to the company, and the chance to help out. All my life, whenever I've needed something or someone, it was invariably my family that came through to help me out, and I can't think of anything I want to do more that do something similar for anyone else in my family that needs something. The fact that it's Chrissy and co., well, that's jut a bonus. Love you guys..look forward to your movin' in!

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Funerals suck. Funerals for one-month old babies suck more.

Thursday, March 23, 2006

I am absolutely, friggin amazed. When a co-worker recommended BarkBusters to help fix our bad dogs, we figured, "Well, it sounds great, but Buzz is too far gone, too old, and nothing will help."

No word of a lie, after a three hour training session, they are changed dogs. We still have tons of work to do, but the groundwork has been laid, and while Buzz was slower at getting it than Molly (who took to it right away), this is going to work out for them and for us.

The trainer told us that the most tiring thing for a dog is thinking, far more tiring than physical activity. After the session, our dogs collapsed on the floor, and laid there, absolutely exhausted from absorbing everything they were taught.

This morning, they even remembered it all.


Wednesday, March 22, 2006

On a recommendation from a review in the Edmonton Journal, we decided to try Panda Hut Express for some cheap Chinese take-out. It was cheap enough, and while not necessarily low in quality, it just didn't taste very good. The review touted it as revolutionary, getting Chinese food in a fast-food manner, but before we left for Medicine Hat, in Edmonton's northwest end, where we lived, Wok'N'Go did it first, (by two years) and did it better. Now we just need one closer to our new place.

Monday, March 20, 2006

I hate sad news. I found out some things today that made me sad, and Allson even more so. Things ranging from "Gee, that's too bad", to..well, much worse.

We found out that Ashes, Allison's old guinea pig that she gave to a new home due to allergies, recently died. The Hurricane Katrina kittens..all but one ended up too sick to be saved. And Allison's oldest friend's sister's one-month-old son passed away suddenly.

I could go my entire life without hearing news like that and trying to imagine, or rather, trying not to imagine the pain they must be going through. I would have done anything rather than tell Allison what had happened. Obviously, she felt terrible, and the doubt and fears all came to the surface, and it was all I could do to assure her that nothing like that is going to happen to us.

Say a little prayer for Zachary Goretzky. I never met him, but I am very, very sad for his loss, and I send my deepest sympathies and condolences to Krista, Quinn, Jodie, and the rest of his family.

On a happier note, I had a good, long phone conversation with Mukey, and that made me feel better, while at the same time wishing we all lived in the same city again to go out for beers and movies or some such thing. I hope for that someday soon. I really do. Experiencing losses of the kind we have these last few months/years, and even days, makes me miss my good friends and want to spend as much time with them as possible, despite the inconvenience of living thousands of kilometres apart.

Someday, you guys..someday.

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Zombiethon part deux was fun..defintely better selection of movies (though that's easy to do if you've seen them before). Peter Jackson's DeadAlive is a classic, and always good for fun and gore. Stacy is just sick and twisted, and degenerates into some kid of pseudo art film at the end..that is, art to the director, who has serious issues with 16 year old girls. The one I hadn't seen yet, Dead and Breakfast, was not bad..not your conventional zombie film, but fun in its own right.

The stupid SNOW kept people form coming, though..we got what seems like 10 feet of bloody snow out there!

Friday, March 17, 2006

Happy St. Patrick's Day, everyone! Let the silly stereotypes begin!

Thursday, March 16, 2006

C'mon know you want to.

"We're gonna have a T.V. party tonight!


We're gonna have a T.V. party alright!


We've got nothing better to do
Than watch T.V. and have a couple of brews!"

Last time's three guests does not a Zombiethon make!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Our friends have Hurricane Katrina kittens. A rescue society went to New Orleans and came home with, among others, a pregnant momma cat, who gave birth last week. Unable to nurse, our friends are bottle feeding the little critters.

We went to see them last night. So cute! And sad, but it looks like most of them will make it. Allie started to cry as soon as she saw them..but this is par for the course. The conversation went something like this:

Allie: (Cries)

Jodie: Don't cry, be happy, they're doing much better

Allie: I cry at everything these days.

Me: She cried during Battlestar Galactica on Saturday.

Jodie: (laughs) Really? Was it sad?

Allie: No.

Me: They dedicated a fighter to the sick president.

She also got weepy last night during the Historica Minute on the Halifax Explosion.

I love her. I wonder if, a year from now, when all the pregnancy hormones are all gone, if she'll still cry during commercials and such?

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Anybody up for a mini Zombiethon on Saturday? No, not a marathon of movies featuring miniature zombies..(as cool as that does sound, though)..just a less formal, come-if-you-want, zombie movie watching thang. I promised Arbitrarium Dave that we'd watch "Stacy" before he goes to Japan, so come one come all..I still have a few other flicks to see.

But it isn't a party. Expect no party-hosting stuff.

I really have to change that picture of hair is growing back quite nicely, and yet out of the corner of my eye, I keep seeing my big bald head and crazy eyes staring back at me.

Monday, March 13, 2006

This weekend:

Finished Word Level 2..some stuff in there that I don't believe I will ever use, yet did not know, and hopefully, will assist in helping students when they try to use some of these features.

Saw a kid somewhere around the age of two-to-three years old toddling around by himself as we left the house yesterday. He had gotten ablock or more away from his house, unsupervised. We watched him for a bit to see if he was heading to or from his house (to, as it turned out). A neighbour confirmed that this was his house, and banged on the door/repeatedly rang the doorbell to alert whoever was home that their child had gotten out. A second child, a brother or cousin, was discovered a few minutes later. "Mom" finally came to the door, and without even a thank you, yelled at her kids to get in the house. Fine welfare mom parenting at work.

Oh yeah, Season premiere of The Sopranos.

I was finding the episode a little dry, until the end.

Holy Shit.

That was a shock.

It's hard not to look forward to something you enjoy, but the danger is hvaing it fail to meet your unrealistically high expectations. I have to say though, it is good to have it back when there are so few shows I actually like to watch anymore.

Saturday, March 11, 2006

OK, Dave P, now you'll really hate me. I shoudn't have read this, even on my break..I am stifling not only laughter, but tears! God, the tears! I hope nobody looks over and thinks I'm crying in class, or I'll have to explain myself. The farther I go, the funnier it is. I have to put the last few items out of my mind completely.

Thanks again, TBIT..I am recycling your links here, for those who don't check your blog regularly.

Damn you.

Week two of courses..Word Level 2 this time. Looking forward to learning more. Tired though..the classes run 6:15-9:45 on Fridays, 8:30-4:30 on Saturday, 8:30-noon on Sunday. Weekend is pretty much shot. Plus, after a full week of work, losing the weekend is an adjustment. Then, do it two weeks in a row..I know, whine, whine, whine, but that's where I'm at right now. I'm not complaining..I'm glad to be here..but I'm tired, damnit!

Keeping the cell phone on vibrate these days while I'm in things like this..never know when Little Miss Holly might decide to say "I'm on my way!"

Back at it...oh yeah, and I DID learn not to read Alien Loves Predator while class is in session..breaks are OK, but luaghing out loud, or stifling such during class is not a good thing.

Friday, March 10, 2006

Dave, you'll have to stay in a capsule hotel while on your trip.

Update- This is the link I was orignally looking for when I posted above.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

Thanks, Tbit, Alien Loves Predator is frickin' hilarious!

Saturday, March 04, 2006


Pork and Whiskey
Muhammad and Me
Sofa King Awesome School of Business

Remember a few months ago, I told you all about Allie and I finding a ratty old dog running around by the Yellowhead highway? Here is the picture of Mike, the rescued pooch...

In class this weekend. Getting brushed up on my Microsoft Word skills. I'll be taking Word level 1, 2 and 3 in the next month. Level one is pretty darn basic, but even so, once in a while, something is covered that I hadn't used before, (maybe one out of every ten topics) so I'm glad I didn't jump right into level 2. Hopefully, by the time I'm done, when students come up to me with an intermediate-type question, or ask me to show them how to fix a document where they have totally destroyed the formatting, I can help them on the spot without going back to my office computer and figuring it out first.

Oscars this weekend..I've been in Toronto for Oscars the last two years, visiting D&J (otherwise known as tbit and marmy)..feels kinda weird being home for this one. I'm not even sure if I'll bother watching. Well, it is Jon Stewart hosting, so I probably will.

I just realized that my brother and sister-in-law are also an Ontario-living D&J.

Oh well..back to ***yawn*** page formatting....what can I say, work is paying for it, and NAIT courses give you gift certificates to spend in their tech shop.

Friday, March 03, 2006